Healthy food choices for when you can’t brush your teeth
- 01/07/2018
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- Category: Dentistry
No CommentsSometimes you might be in a situation where you can’t brush your teeth. Perhaps you’ve gone on holiday and forgotten your toothbrush at home, or maybe you’ve had a busy morning and didn’t find time to give your teeth a quick clean. Whatever the situation, you can help the situation by choosing the right foods
How to look after a temporary dental filling
- 01/06/2018
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- Category: Dentistry
If your dentist has just given you a temporary dental filling, then you might be wondering how to take care of it. Don’t worry – we have all the information you need! In this post, we’ll discuss what a temporary filling is and how you can take care of yours until your next dental visit.
Receding gums: Symptoms, causes and treatments
- 01/05/2018
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- Category: Dentistry
You already know about the importance of keeping your teeth healthy – but did you know that it’s also important to look after your gums too? That’s because your gums can recede if you don’t take care of them properly, and this can cause problems such as bad breath and sensitivity. In this post, we
Public Health England releases a free toolkit for dentists
- 01/03/2018
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- Category: Dentistry
Change4Life The toolkit is part of the Department for Health’s campaign called “Change4Life”. The aim is of this campaign is to get people to eat healthier and live longer. Part of the Change4Life campaign is the slogan “100 calorie snacks, two a day max”. In other words, children should eat just two snacks per
What do dental hygienists do?
- 01/01/2018
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- Category: Dentistry
When you visit your dentist, you might get referred to a dental hygienist. This is especially likely if you have tartar on your teeth or problems with your gums. However, you might be unsure about what a ‘dental hygienist’ actually is and how the role differs from that of your dentist. So, in this post,
Let’s talk about braces
- 01/11/2017
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- Category: Dentistry
Did you have braces as a teenager? You might remember feeling a bit like Jaws in Moonraker with all that metal in your teeth. Thankfully, teenagers nowadays have it a lot easier because braces technology has leapt forward since then. Today’s adolescents can opt for invisible braces that are made of clear plastic. Braces are
Seven snacks that are good for your teeth
- 06/10/2017
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- Category: Dentistry
Snacks that are good for your teeth When you’re feeling hungry between meals, reach for a healthy snack instead of a snack that will give you cavities. In this post, we’ll list some of the sinless snacks that will appease your appetite without harming your teeth. Smile and say cheese Cheese is a great
Which foods cause bad breath?
- 04/09/2017
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- Category: Dentistry
It can wreak havoc on your social life. It can ruin relationships. It can even make your own children run away in terror. We’re talking about bad breath, a condition from which one in four adults in the UK suffers. In nine out of ten cases, bad breath is caused by a dental problem. These
Antibiotic resistance and dentistry – should you be worried?
- 02/08/2017
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- Category: Dentistry
Has a dentist ever prescribed you with an antibiotic? If yes, then have you ever thought about the consequences? We’re not talking about side effects of antibiotics, but rather the phenomenon known as antibiotic resistance. Scientists believe that antibiotic resistance could prove to be very important in the years to come. Why should I care
Are You A Bleachorexic?
- 01/07/2017
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- Category: Dentistry
What is bleachorexia? Everyone is familiar with the term ‘anorexia’. Anorexia is a type of body dysmorphic disorder, which is where the sufferer is obsessed with their appearance. People with a body dysmorphic disorder imagine they have defects that aren’t really there, such as excess fat. In recent years, people have used the suffix -rexia
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